Feral Hogs

Feral Hogs are smart, tough and always ready to do battle. They make for some very interesting quarry for the sportsman hunting with either a gun or a camera. The boars, often sporting impressive ivory tusks, will weigh upwards of 350 lbs and can offer a challenging target. Sows are sexually mature at 9 months of age and will have litters of 5 – 10 piglets. These are very intelligent animals and when pushed hard, they will become nearly totally nocturnal. The numerous Feral Hogs in Texas likely are descendants from two different sources over the last 300 years. The Spanish Conquistadors and Missionaries brought hogs from Spain with them for their meat and hides. Some of these hogs escaped into the wild and began breeding. Then, in the 1930’s, large, aggressive Russian boars were brought into the state by sportsmen for hunting. Over time, some of these boars escaped their enclosures and began to breed with the descendants of the domestic hogs that escaped the Spanish, resulting in the Feral Hogs that occupy nearly every corner of Texas. As the ranch has over a dozen feeders, feeding both corn and protein pellets, we constantly have these Feral Hogs digging holes under the high fence that encompass the boarders of the ranch.